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I've been on the lookout for some spring and summer outfits for my seven-month-old son, Rhys. I came across both of these outfits the same day, and couldn't believe how similar they were but at very different price points. One of them is over three times more expensive than the other! Can you tell which one is more expensive?

It's the first one, with the little blue sunshines! It retails for $35, and the smiley outfit retails for $10. I thought they were both so cute, it was hard to choose a favorite. I ended up purchasing them both in anticipation of warmer weather. Click here for an affiliate link for both outfits!

I think the smiley face outfit is an incredible alternative if you have a little more expensive taste and love the blue sunshine outfit but can't justify spending $35 on a single baby outfit. Finding alternative options for pricey items that I love is one of my favorite things to do, and has probably saved us a small fortune over the years. 

I don't think that having beautiful things should mean that you're spending a ton of money. Sure, it might take a little extra time to track down a similar item, but it almost always can be done!

Like what you see? Are there any lookalikes that you've been proud to find? Let me know in the comments! 

Both outfits linked here-- links contain affiliates.

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