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I've been meaning to share Remy's bedroom ever since I shared Bryn's nursery a few months ago. We've had some baseboard painting to finish and some art to hang, but I think it's almost there.

Remy has slept on a full-size mattress on the floor for over a year now, and it works great for us. If she wakes in the night, we can go snuggle her back to sleep without cramming ourselves into a toddler bed, and we've chosen to keep it on the floor for now so she doesn't fall. The rest of the room is baby-proofed so if she does get out of bed in the night, we know that she's safe.

We didn't get to do a nursery for her because we lived in a tiny little one-bedroom townhouse in New Mexico when she was born. Her "big girl room" has been fun to finish because we know her now and can incorporate the things she loves.

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